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CF Concept is a refreshing and cutting edge jewellery brand full of unique pieces from Danish designer Charlotte Flyvholm. Her designs incorporate a Scandinavian ethos coupled with inspiration from adventures around the world. Based in London Charlotte is re-invigorating the jewellery scene with a mix of distinct and contemporary designs.


Vibes thrown into the mix

Cold first day of summer

Charlotte Flyvholm

In the run up to the first day of summer the weather has been great - bright and warm - so my hopes were up. In true British style, however, wind and rain seemed to prevail! Furthermore I got a terrible cold so this weekend has been a bit of a battle and I wasn't looking forward to the Monday blues. I was therefore pleasantly, really ridiculously pleasantly, surprised to find Norman (ring) in The Metro this morning winking away at all the London commuters. Not such a bad start to the week after all. 

For those of you going through a glum Monday - here's a button for you.